The Author/Blogger shall hold no liability for special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or resulting from the use/misuse of the information in this Blog. It is strictly mentioned that these are all for learning and awareness purpose. Most of the articles are collected from various sources and many of them are blogger's own which meant for helping people who are interested in security system or beginners help for security systems and various IT purposes. Some of the articles are solely intended for IT Professionals and systems administrators with experience servicing computer. It is not intended for home users, hackers, or computer thieves attempting to crack PC. Please do not attempt any of these procedures if you are unfamiliar with computer hardware, software and please use this information responsibly. Binod Narayan Sethi is not responsible for the use or misuse of these material, including loss of data, damage to hardware or personal injury. Information can help you to catch hackers and crackers and other cyber criminals. Information can help you to detect and manipulate the evil motives of these anti social intellectual peoples. Good use of the information protect you from evils and misuse of the information make you evil/criminal. Author of this site will not be responsible for use of material for any illicit mean or illicit act done by anybody in any means.

Binod Narayan Sethi

Binod Narayan Sethi
Programming,Web Development & Graphic Designing are my Hobbies.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How to Remove DRM Protection for Video Files

How to Remove DRM Protection for Video Files

This is how to unprotect the Video files from Mcft latest technology DRM.
So here is the procedure:

1. Install fresh Windows XP SP1 (English)
2. Download and install WMP9 from Mcft
3. Make sure you are now able to play the .wmv files from the DVD. That requires running dvdrun.exe, individualizing WMP and finding the right proxy if you are not in US to get the license.
4. Get the DRM2WMV files from the below links
5. Download Japanese version of WMP9 from Mcft
6. Doubleclick the downloaded file, it will unpack all installation files to temp directory in your Documents and Settings directory. Get the drmv2clt.dll file and copy it to c:\Program Files\Windows Media Player directory. Cancel the Japanese WMP9 installation.
7. Edit lines 9-12 of the drmdbg.ini downloaded from step 4 as written bellow


8. Doubleclick drmdbg.exe. It should open WMP. Navigate to your wmv file. After acquiring the license the drmdbg DOS window should display something like this:

drmdbg Ver 0.31 by taku
CreateProcess: c:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe
010010C5 âvâÃ¢OâëâÇ âGâôâgâÕü[ â|âCâôâg
IsDebuggerPresent: memwriteret=1 callret=0
crc: 2850B98C c:\Program Files\windows media player\drmv2clt.dll
setbp 09252BCC 50
eax 00D6E1C8



Copy the last 6 lines and paste them to T2_Part1.key text file to the drm2wmv1241\drm2 directory.

9. Copy the wmv files from the DVD to the drm2wmv1241 directory.
10. Change your date to 12/Feb/2005
11. Open DOS window, go to drm2wmv1241 directory. Type
md c:\windows\#dummy
X.wmv (where X indicates your file name)

The file should be decrypted. Here is what I see:

J:\drm2wmv1241>md c:\windows\#dummy

J:\drm2wmv1241>drm2wmv X.wmv (where X indicates your file name)

DRM(Ver1&2) Conversion tool Ver 1.241 by taku

J:\drm2wmv1241>drm2wmv X.wmv (where X indicates your file name)
DRM(Ver1&2) Conversion tool Ver 1.241 by taku
DRMv1 KID (17fG9KorUkm83BmyUnPv3w==)
DRMv2 KID (17fG9KorUkm83BmyUnPv3w==)

Binod Narayan Sethi

Binod Narayan Sethi
Binod Narayan Sethi


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