•a) You need a MAC OS Distro – I used Ideneb 1.3. for this guide. You´ll find those in the net (Torrents..). Burn the distro to a DVD
•A working Windows System. I am using Vista for this guide, but I think it´ll work with XP too.
•c) You need to have SATA CD-DVD Drive, otherwise the setup DVD will not even start.
•d) You´ll need the following software for windows:
◦a. Easy BCD – it´s free and very useful for creating a double boot system (Windows / Mac OS). Follow the link to get it:http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=1
◦b. MacOS Drive – in order to be able to access the MAC Drives from Windows. It´s not free, but the shareware version is enough for the installation process: http://www.mediafour.com/products/macdrive/
◦c. You need a partition program, if you want to shrink an existing partition in order to get space for a new MAC partition. I personally use Acronis Disk director, but there are free programs out there. Google will help.
Before installing MAC OS
•1) Set your SATA drives to AHCI mode. This is a simple Bios Settings, but you have to prepare your Windows System for the change.
◦Follow this guide if you are using Vista: http://forums.pcper.com/showthread.php?t=444831.
◦For XP Users: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?sho...amp;mode=linear
•2) Prepare a free partition for MAC OS. Either clean an unused partition you have or create a new one (with the partition manager of your choice). IT HAS TO BE A PRIMARY PARTITION! I personally created a new partition on my second hard drive, while windows resides on my first one.
Installing MAC OS (using Ideneb 1.3. DVD)
•1) Set your bios to start from the DVD or invoke your boot BBS menu. The IDeneb DVD should start with the Camelion Boot loader. It will take some time before the Install GUI is loaded.
•2) After selecting the language do not proceed but enter the Tool Menu and start the drive tool. Select the partition for installing MAC OS and delete it for creating a „Mac OS journaled" partition which will be activated for you.
•3) Close the drive tool and proceed, after the credits screen do not proceed but press „Customize" (that´s vital!)
•4) Choose the software you would like to be installed and your language files. From the Patches and Fixes section be sure to check:
◦a. Audio: Apple Azalia (we correct this kext later)
◦b. Chipset: Intel ICHx fixed
◦c. Take the vanilla kernel, thus don´t check anything in this section
◦d. Network / Ethernet: Apple Yukon2
◦e. Grafikcard: Choose the type you own. For Nvidia cards take NVKush
◦f. Select Fixes: CPU = 1 (we correct that later), Firewire remove
•5) Install the system – that will take some time, the „time remaining" is not correctly shown.
•6) After the installation process finishest he computer will boot – into Windows. That is correct!
Preparing for the first boot into MAC OS X
1) Dual Boot:
•a. Back in Windows launch EasyBCD (at the time I have written this it´s version is 1.7.2. Settings might differ in future versions)
•b. Choose „Add/Remove Entries" => select third tab („Mac"), choose „Generic" Type and a proper name for you and add Entry (button)
•c. Next choose „Diagnostics center" => choose option „Reapair OSX…" è „Attempt recovery" è select correct MAC OS partitio number (i.e. if your MAC Partition ist he first partition on the second drive choose 0/1.). Cofirm your choice and dual boot is ready
•d. It´s a good idea to choose an appropriate Timeout on the „change Settings" tab
•e. FOR XP USERS ONLY: On the „manage bootlader" check „Reinstall Vista Bootlader"!
2) Install IDEDrivers and sound card
•a. Open your Mac System drive (if you installed MACDrive the drive should show up in explorer) and navigate to System/Extensions folder
•b. Download the JAS_ACPI_APIC_Tiger_KEXTS and follow the instructions (Method I): http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=78235)
•c. Download the corrected Azalia_Audio KEXT from my post here and copy it tot he Extensions directory (choose to integrate/overwrite existing one or rename origninal one to keep a backup) AsusP5Q_Deluxe_Audio_KEXT.rar
•d. Download the modified Chamelon boot from http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=132757 and install it by copying the cameleon file to the root directory of your MAC Drive. Rename/delete the original „boot" file and rename the „chameleon" file to „boot".
•e. Now you are ready to reboot….
Booting into MAC OS X
1) At the boot menu choose your MAC OS. The Chameleon bootloader will show up. PRESS F8 immediately
2) Enter bootoptions: cpus=1 –f –v , then press enter
3) Hopefully MAC OS will load without kernel panics etc. You will be welcomed with sound and grafics of MAC OS X screen, than follow the instructions to create your user name etc. CHOOSE A PASSWORD, otherwise Kext Helper will not work
4) To enable both cores, if you have a dual-core CPU:
a. Download fassl´s patcher: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=133683
b. Install it and run it. At the terminal press „ENTER" to continue the program. It will create a dsdt.asm with some warnings but no errors (hopefully).
c. Copy the resulting file to the root directory of he MAC System drive.
d. Check the com.apple.boot.plist at Libary/Preferences/SystemConfiguration for Kernel Flag entries. Delete the „cpus=1" flag. Maybe – like me – you have to enter –f flag to start without kernel panics. This is „trial and error"
e. Reboot now. After restart go to System Profiler and check: 2 Cores active!
5) Useful: Download MacNTFS3G in order to write to NTFS partitions (look at http://macntfs-3g.blogspot.com/). MacFuse is needed fort hat. The driver is free!
6) Useful: Missing IDE-Drives can be activated using AppleViaAta Kexts (install the kext using Kexthelper).
So have fun with this MAC OS X on your Computer!
Friday, July 16, 2010
(How To) Install Mac OS X using IDeneb 1.3. with motherboard Asus P5Q Deluxe.
1:32 PM
Binod Narayan Sethi