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Binod Narayan Sethi

Binod Narayan Sethi
Programming,Web Development & Graphic Designing are my Hobbies.

Thursday, June 10, 2010



This doucmentation should not be used to exploit webservers. Some of the
techniques used here have certain outputs that can crash old servers making
them unusable. Throughout this manual, techniques will be passed on from
exploits found in the 'windows' OS. That 'ACTUALLY' helps in the prevention
of deletion. There are lots of methods in stopping a deleter, without the
ANY restrictions set on the server but most have some weak point. After
comming across foure new techniques, making a folder 'invisible' or
undetectable from an ftp client LIST fuction. Making folders/directories
inaccessable and clone prevention, creating smart directories which slows
down the users attempt. I'm sure most users would thank me for this,
'undeletable files'. After experiencing rock solid protection and safe
files. I decided to document it for future reference of the next generation
of software pirates.

Invisible Directories

The idea of invisiable directoires came about when I came across paths that
were "/ /example/" and was not listed in the main folder but was still
'accessable'. These can be created in all directories without other users
knowing it exists unless being searched for 'MANUALLY', which takes ages at
the present time to search through each folder for "/ /".

Creating Invisible Directories
1. before

2. after
./ /~/temp/tagged/for/team/warezpiratez/fxp/ <- hidden folder

To create the hidden folders, make a new dir. as follows using this method.
ie. / /foldername1/foldername2/...
the 'space' isn't a name but a 'character' that does not get listed,
therefore making the directories impossible to view.

NOTE: Making the hidden folders several LAYERS/SUB-DIRECTORIES deep is
ie. / / / /~/temp/tagged/for/ /team/warez/ /piratez/fxp/

This technique is not 'anti-deletion proof' but hidden from deletion proof!
Read more to find out how to combine ALL THREE TECHNIQUE to make it
'REMOTELY' impossible to delete. Please note the 'quotes', REMOTELY in a
sense that remote/local host. The 'siteadmin' can still 'delete' the folder
"if he's around that is Smile"

Inaccessable Directories

Inaccessable directories prevents the user from 'entering' the folder
period. The user will not be able to enter the folders unless knowing the
'entire' remote path.

Creating Inaccessable Directories

1. before

2. after
./COM1 / temp/tagged/for/team/warezpiratez/fxp/ <- inaccessable directories,
due to 'COM1' former windows bug.
To create inaccessable folders, use the following list of 'UNUSABLE NAMES'

LPT1 LPT2 LPT3 LPT4 (Windows Printer Ports)

Make a new folder "COM1[space][backslash][space][backslash]
ie. /COM1 / /

NOTE: This makes the folder inaccessable, even to the siteadmin.(unless
accessed from DOS, local with access to the machine.)

To use the dir. Create a new folder called
ie. /COM1 / / ~/temp/tagged/

NOTE: This folder is still inaccessable, if a user attempts to enter it. To
gain access to the folder, the 'full path' must be known. To enter the
folder use the RAW command 'CWD' change dir. path. to enter the folder.
ie. CWD /COM1 / / ~/temp/tagged/ and voila the folder is usable and working.

TIP: Creating the folder 'several' LAYERS/SUB-DRIECTORIES deep. It is
impossible to enter.

Smart Directories

This technique involves, the creation of directories that are 'COPYRIGHT' Wink
How's that for a simple description. The idea is to create directories that
would contain [peroids] thorough each of the subdirectories or segmenets.
The use of this is quite sipmle, note the word 'COPY'RIGHT. Most users use
the ftp://login :password at ip :port/path/ format for faster access to an ftp.

Creating Smart Directories
To create 'smart' directories. Make the folder names of each sub directories
contain a period before, inside, and after words within the subdirectories
creating a fake 'file' recognition. The Widows based clients will assume the
folders to be files with windows using its 8.3 format for file names
1. before

2. after
ftp://anonymous@anonymous@123.456.789:21/temp/tagged ./for . /team. /. warez

NOTE: Be as creative as possible with the dot formation, to prevent COPYING
of all folders through each directories. The idea is to make the directories
act as file extensions therefore when copied, it will be 'queued'
and the user has to enter the directories MANUALLY. Other 'SYMBOLS' can be
used NOT ONLY just periods. But I find this most common, if the creator
intends to create a catch phrase 'memorable' to him alone.

QUEUE: 1. /temp/tagged ./for . /team. /. warez .piratez/fxp <- result of
folder extensions

Undeletable Files

Sad that we had to resolve to this but, this might be the end of deletion as
we speak. I find no other method out there that can accomplish this task
except setting restrictions from the server. This method involves the file
being self-protected. Meaning the files are 'accessable'/'downloadable' but
can NOT be deleted. The idea is to make the file corrupted/crash making it
'in use'.

Creating Undeletable Files
To create a self protected file, rename the entire file including the
extensions to the follwoing format
filename[space][period]/[space]/ ie. filename ./ / The / / in the name as
shown above in the previous example
of creating invisible directories makes the .extesion impossible to view on
the pub as a windows recognized mime
but, once dowloaded it will be shown and accessable. How's that for wits.
Wise up deleters, ~censored~ off!

1. before
warezpiratez.rar <- rar mime, winrar.

2. renaming
warezpiratez ./ /

warezpiratez <- unknown file(undeletable,downloadable) <- file will take the
correct mime format on localhost

Ultimate Protection
The ultimate protection is OBVIOULY, YOUR SELF and YOUR wits against the
deleters. Use private FTPs, get
fast sites T1+, but in this case, it would be the combination of all four
techniques. Using them into one major and
thoughtout plan.

Creating The Ultimate Protection

To create the ultimate protection that is desirable, first of all, create
the invisible folders as shown above, several sub.dirs deep. Then creating
an 'inaccesable' folder within those invisible folders. Then the next step
is to create those smart directories so it slows down ANY attempt to gain
full access, and also it makes to user run into inaccessable folders
because. The idea is to trap the user before those folders using the smart
directories idea. I didn't think that was ingenieus but just common sense
and seemd smart!.

1. before
/temp/tagged/for/team/warezpiratez/fxp/ <- no protection

2. after
/ / /./ ./COM1 / temp/tagged ./for . /team. /. warez .piratez/fxp <-
protection(still weak)

NOTE: You can be creative with this technique, make it more complex, I
didn't do it in this manual because then
that would make YOU just confused. I hope this helps, and please UNDERSTAND.
It is not hard, unless YOU didn't read
from the Introduction. I made this well detailed. For it to be as simple as


1. What is a SUB-DIRECTORY
- It is the folder that is second/inside another folder. ie.

2. What is a pub
- Short for public ftp. There are, no restrictions/protection on the access
over files. Some
have them in most cases but then uploads/downloads are denied. Some would
not allow fxp.

4. What does all this mean?
- Good question, this means that there should be more warez around in the
future. More gamez for YOU, more appz
for me. Wink You too.

5. Who are deleters?
- Deleters are mean and NASTY people, shit faces. There spammers and lame
sometimes ANTI-PIRACY groups that hang
among us, without knowing. Deleting files when possible to stop the warez
scene or just being GAY!

Binod Narayan Sethi

Binod Narayan Sethi
Binod Narayan Sethi


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