All about Hackers
When we say a Hacker we often think a bad guy who is a skilled person but wicked or mentally violative for technical exploitations in our prelim conscious! Let’s itself hack the word Hacker. Actually what does it mean? Originally its derived from verb HACK, which means "To cut into repeatedly and/or irregularly," or “physically cut at something with repeated blows” for usage as a Slang Term or Jargon for the act of breaking into (hacking into) to explore the extreme engineering implemented in them so that we can find demerits in them which can be used in two ways i.e. construct it further to make it more secure, advanced, beauty and stronger or demolish or break them for selfish reasons which often depends upon the motive of that skilled person. These technical persons had ideology of knowledge or information for all and it should be free without or any kind of dominance in any forms to enjoy the freedom of knowledge or information. Information is the power and power is the information so any kind of dominance of hiding information or using information for monopoly purpose for self or organizational benefits which can be useful to mankind to develop intellectual growth and service to mankind should not be tolerated. Hacking is a culture of innovative peoples who use their intellectual ability in technical field basically for modifications of computer hardware, software, and other modern technical culture if motive is not evil/bad/offensive. When a Hacker misuses their intellectual ability in their social legal circumference then often falls in criminal categories. Here I must say the reveled knowledge/information followed by bad motive intellectuals for their personal benefits and selfish reasons or desires are not hackers they are simply criminals or Technical/Technology exploiters (TE) and they use the hacking knowledge for their evil desires for exploiting or giving pain to others and many even name them as Black hated Hackers/Crackers (TE). So in simple understanding, if a technical skilled person breaking a creation or technology to explore the truth behind them for development or benefits of intelligence culture or have good motive for mankind is known as Hackers (Many also say Ethical Hackers or white Hated Hackers) if bad TE i.e. Technical exploiters or Skilled exploiters or Black Hated Hackers or Crackers. Hackers motive always constructive or defensive or protective where as TE is always destructive and many times works for personal benefits and revenge. We can find different classification of the Hackers in various regions of the planet by different intellectuals but the above classification I found universal and easy to understand without any confusion. (by BNS)
* Many also categorize a third kind of Hackers i.e. the Grey Hat Hackers who explore the best of both the worlds i.e White world hackers and black world hackers. I rejected it because Hackers are not ordinary and common peoples and they have capability to explore the both the world and even most of them explore both but act as per their motives, so if motive is positive then its white hat hackers/Ethical hackers if bad then black hated hackers/Crackers. Here to be out of confusion Hackers are the good motive peoples and TE is bad motive peoples. Here TE is nothing but predefined Black hated hackers/Cracker. Since Hacker is a positive word so Black hated Hacker should completely removed to distinct Hackers nomenclature as good and non-conflicting so redefining Black hated Hacker as Technical/Technology/Program Exploiters is correct.
* Many also categorize a third kind of Hackers i.e. the Grey Hat Hackers who explore the best of both the worlds i.e White world hackers and black world hackers. I rejected it because Hackers are not ordinary and common peoples and they have capability to explore the both the world and even most of them explore both but act as per their motives, so if motive is positive then its white hat hackers/Ethical hackers if bad then black hated hackers/Crackers. Here to be out of confusion Hackers are the good motive peoples and TE is bad motive peoples. Here TE is nothing but predefined Black hated hackers/Cracker. Since Hacker is a positive word so Black hated Hacker should completely removed to distinct Hackers nomenclature as good and non-conflicting so redefining Black hated Hacker as Technical/Technology/Program Exploiters is correct.
Types of Simple Computer Exploitations
1) Inside Jobs - Most security breeches originate inside the network that is under attack. Inside jobs include stealing passwords (which hackers then use or sell), performing industrial espionage, causing harm (as disgruntled employees), or committing simple misuse. Sound policy enforcement and observant employees who guard their passwords and PCs can thwart many of these security breeches.
2) Rogue Access Points - Rogue access points (APs) are unsecured wireless access points that outsiders can easily breech. (Local hackers often advertise rogue APs to each other.) Rogue APs are most often connected by well-meaning but ignorant employees.
3) Back Doors - Hackers can gain access to a network by exploiting back doors' administrative shortcuts, configuration errors, easily deciphered passwords, and unsecured dial-ups. With the aid of computerized searchers (bots), hackers can probably find any weakness in your network.
4) Viruses and Worms - Viruses and worms are self-replicating programs or code fragments that attach themselves to other programs (viruses) or machines (worms). Both viruses and worms attempt to shut down networks by flooding them with massive amounts of bogus traffic, usually through e-mail.
5) Trojan Horses - Trojan horses, which are attached to other programs, are the leading cause of all break-ins. When a user downloads and activates a Trojan horse, the hacked software (SW) kicks off a virus, password gobbler, or remote-control SW that gives the hacker control of the PC.
6) Denial of Service - DoS attacks give hackers a way to bring down a network without gaining internal access. DoS attacks work by flooding the access routers with bogus traffic (which can be e-mail or Transmission Control Protocol, TCP, packets).
Distributed DoSs (DDoS5) are coordinated DoS attacks from multiple sources. A DDoS is more difficult to block because it uses multiple, changing, source IP addresses.
7) Anarchists, Crackers, and Kiddies - Who are these people, and why are they attacking I your network?
Anarchists are people who just like to break stuff. They usually exploit any target of opportunity.
Crackers are hobbyists or professionals who break passwords and develop Trojan horses or other SW (called warez). They either use the SW themselves (for bragging rights) or sell it for profit.
Script kiddies are hacker wannabes. They have no real hacker skills, so they buy or download warez, which they launch.
Other attackers include disgruntled employees, terrorists, political operatives, or anyone else who feels slighted, exploited, ripped off, or unloved.
8) Sniffing and Spoofing - Sniffing refers to the act of intercepting TCP packets. This interception can happen through simple eavesdropping or something more sinister.
Spoofing is the act of sending an illegitimate packet with an expected acknowledgment (ACK), which a hacker can guess, predict, or obtain by snooping.
Explore many more are there with the growth of TE (Technical Exploitation) culture………..